CuttingEEG X

Online Poster Sessions

Virtual environement

As for LiveMEEG back in 2020, we will make a custom virtual environement using the platfom. The link will be communicated to CuttingEEgX attendees = CuttingEEG Members.

There you will find a place to meet online, to play game… and visit the posters.

Poster sessions

All posters will be presented online every day of the event (Oct. 28-31) just before the beginning of the conference : from 1pm to 2pm (CET).

All posters will be considered. Non academic posters are possible but it should be explicitly stated and the content should not be primarily promotional. You’ll have to deposit the pdf of your poster before Oct.21st.

Poster on site at Nijmegen

If you are attending the in-person event in Nijmegen, not only will your poster be displayed online, but you also have the possibility to present your poster in person on a board at the Donder Institute (Oct. 30-31, 1pm to 2pm). Format on site is A1 portrait oriented, to be printed at your end. Please note that the number of boards is limited (first submitted – first served).Â